Craftsmanship and knowledge of the material
With the start of my company ‘Werk in Steen’ in 2005, I wanted to further professionalize my working as a sculptor and create a place to convey my love for the profession.
Since 2007 I organize classes stone sculpting in my studio in Utrecht city. And also summer courses on locations in The Netherlands and France.
For me a logical continuation of my study textile and handicrafts at the teacher training college in Utrecht (1982-1988) and years later 3-dimensional work at the ‘Vrije Academie’, workplace for visual arts in The Hague (1995-2000).
In 2019 I celebrated my 25th anniversary as a sculptor and the many years of teaching. I hope to be able to do that for a long time to come.
In addition to my studio in Utrecht city, I am also working at Fort Maarsseveen. Part of the Dutch Water Defence Lines, and now Unesco World Heritage.
Abstraction by removing everything that is not essential
After years of working with all kind of materials, in 1994 I discovered stone sculpting. From that moment my choice was made.
I get my inspiration from the material itself. I use all kinds of stone, which I continuously collect (found, received or bought). With the stone come the ideas.
My sculptures are clear and abstract. They are created intuitively, by combining shapes and materials. While working I searche for simplicity, tension and balance. The traces of the manufacturing process remain visible, sometimes in the structure of the chisel stroke, but also in fractured surfaces or the finish of the surface. This gives the sculptures a personal signature. I tries to evoke an atmosphere or association and give room for individual interpretation.
The form language I use is universally recognizable, and appreciated worldwide. You can find my sculptures in private collections in many countries.

Publications and media
- Art Forever, filmpje De Utrechtse Steenbeeldhouwers - 2022
- kM, #120 Stone, 2021 Magazine about artist materials (kunstenaarsmateriaal.nl)
- Artguide The Netherlands, 2021 (Fransastic)
- HazArt Soest, publication stone sculpting symposium - 2019
- HazArt Soest, filmreport stone sculpting symposium 'Light on Stone' 2019
- RTV Baarn, filmreport symposium 'Light on Stone' 2019
- Symposium report De Utrechtse Steenbeeldhouwers 2018
- Tv-program 'Ouders uit de kast', KRO/NCRV 2018
- 'Gesprek met een steen', publication by exhibition MietAir 2017
- Symposium report De Utrechtse Steenbeeldhouwers 2017
- Art route West, 42 artworks in Utrecht West, publication city Utrecht, 2014
- Sekimori Ishi Modern, publication international travelling exhibition 2013
Film GPStour Lombok from Peter dubois on Vimeo, 2009


On a long tradition